Our frameworks

Our cross-border cooperation is based on the following three frameworks:

Positive health

A broad approach that focuses on people’s ability to cope with the physical, emotional and social challenges in life. The focus is not on the disease, but on people themselves, their resilience and what makes their lives meaningful.

More information:

The focus in all our programmes is therefore on empowerment and the patient perspective.

Health in All Policies (HiAP)

A strategy formulated by the WHO in 2006 with the aim of incorporating health considerations not only in health sector policy-making, but in all sectors that affect health, such as: Transport, Agriculture and Land Use, Housing, Public Order and Safety, and Education.

More information:
Infographic Health in All Policies (HiAP)

We therefore strive to collaborate with different sectors wherever possible.

Sustainable Development Goals

A blueprint for achieving a better and more sustainable future for all. These goals address the global challenges we face, for example poverty, inequality, climate, environment, prosperity, peace and justice.

More information:

We aim to achieve these goals by 2030.