Patient Empowerment


The Patient Empowerment programme focuses on promoting the interests of citizens in the border region between the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany (the border region) in relation to cross-border health care.


Examples of activities within this programme are:

  • Jointly developing instruments for the cross-border participation of patients and citizens, e.g. self-help-friendly hospitals.
  • Monitoring citizens rights and obligations in relation to cross-border care in the border region.
  • Involving the perspective of citizens and patients in all sorts of on-going cross-border projects in the border region.



Conferentie patiëntenmobiliteit in de EMR

December 11, 2015

EMR Health Congres ‘Patient Rights in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine‘

April 17, 2014


June 27, 2024

Vaccination: A Pathway to Better Health in a Changing World

January 18, 2021

Upcoming seminars on cardiovascular diseases prevention

November 3, 2020

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention