“Shaping democracy”, Project euPrevent ACP in the local newspaper
April 12, 2023

euPrevent is partner with the district of Heinsberg in the euPrevent ACP (Active Citizen Participation) project, which was recently featured in the German local newspaper in Aachen “Aachener Zeitung”. The article, titled “Shaping democracy: District plans cross-border citizen participation,” highlights how the project aims to involve citizens in policymaking on important issues such as climate change and health.

At its core, the ACP project seeks to establish a sustainable euregional citizen participation structure that transcends national borders. This will ensure that citizens’ voices are heard, particularly on issues that are borderless by nature, such as climate change and health. By empowering citizens to shape policy decisions that affect their lives, we can work together to build a more just and sustainable future for everyone.

For those who are interested in the article in full, here is the link: https://www.aachener-zeitung.de/lokales/heinsberg/kreis-plant-grenzueberschreitende-buergerbeteiligung_aid-86001441. And to learn more about the euPrevent ACP project, please visit our website: https://euprevent.eu/project-euprevent-acp/.

Project euPrevent ACP is funded under Common Ground, a project of the Robert Bosch Stiftung – Democracy.