As the Euregion Meuse-Rhine EGTC and therefore euPrevent is a member of the WHO RHN (Regions for Health Network), we have the opportunity to participate in a series of COVIDnar on the issue – the “Vulnerability Series”! The series includes 6 COVIDnars of 60 minutes each. They will be led by Dr Tammy Boyce (researcher and policy advisor), and Sir Michael Marmot will give a keynote speech.
Because of our participation in the WHO RHN, we can offer you to participate in these COVIDnars via this link:
The COVIDnars will take place at 16:30 CET on the Thursdays as mentioned below:
– 8 October: Recovering, protecting and safeguarding the health and well-being of older people in the COVID-19 pandemic
– 22 October: Inequalities, vulnerabilities and COVID-19. What have we learned so far? How can we be better prepared next time?
– 5 November: Keeping the public informed on COVID-19: focusing on vulnerable groups
– 19 November: Work, mental health and well-being & COVID-19
– 3 December: Public mental health & COVID-19
– 17 December: Vaccinations, inequalities & COVID-19