Understanding the Impact of Social Relationships on Mental Well-being in Border Regions
September 6, 2023

Living in a border region offers a unique blend of opportunities and challenges, including the possible access to cross-border healthcare. The euPrevent project Mental Health and Social Networks (SoMe) is thus designed to explore the role of cross-border social networks in interaction with mental health and well-being, focusing on the citizens from the Meuse-Rhine Euroregion (EMR).

In order to map the cross-border social networks, a number of insightful interviews were carried out, with people living in the EMR and including those who have experiences with cross-border healthcare. These interviews not only identified the components of these networks but also shed light on the interplay between these networks and the mental well-being. The initial findings from this analysis have now been published: https://www.linkedin.com/company/35476371/admin/feed/posts/.

These exemplary narratives are showcased in a carrousel, highlighting the issues that are of concern to the population in the border region: cross-border connections are important for people living in the border region, especially for their mental health; and people have the need for more information on cross-border healthcare.

This carrousel provides a sneak peek of the forthcoming results. Stay tuned for updates as we release more findings from the project SoMe. This micro-project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the project partners within the framework of the project People to People2 Interreg V-A EMR.