What happened before?
In the period from December 2018 until June 2019, 7 Euregional partners: Suchthilfe Aachen (DE), CAD Limburg (BE), Gesundheitsamt Düren (DE), Gesundheitsamt Euskirchen (DE), ASL Eupen (BE), euPrevent|EMR (NL) and GGD Zuid Limburg (NL) have worked on the improvement of the data collection procedure among the youth in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine (EMR). The focus was on 3 points:
- Digitisation: developing a tool for digital implementation of the questionnaire and for this purpose a development of joint questionnaire.
- Sustainability: developing a plan and tools for the implementation of a euregional youth scan. This contains communication structures, software use, statistic procedures, manuals and organisation structures.
- GDPR proof data collection: create an overview and give a template of the documentation needed to collect data according to European rules and regulations.