
September 6, 2023 Understanding the Impact of Social Relationships on Mental Well-being in Border Regions

Living in a border region offers a unique blend of opportunities and challenges, including the possible access to cross-border healthcare. The euPrevent project Mental Health and Social Networks (SoMe) is thus designed to explore the role of cross-border social networks in interaction with mental health and well-being, focusing on the citizens from the Meuse-Rhine Euroregion […]


August 21, 2023 Lonely? Let’s unite! News! | August 2023

Everyone has to deal with loneliness from time to time. A lot of elderly people within the Euregion Meuse-Rhine (EMR) also report feeling lonely. Not everyone experiences loneliness as negative, but a persistent lack of social contacts or emotional connection, however, increases the likelihood of health risks. The euPrevent Profile project aimed to contribute to [...]

July 7, 2023 Cross-border collaboration extends beyond conferences

This week, a LinkedIn group focused on environmental health in the Euregio Meuse Rhine (EMR) was established. This is a follow-up to the EMR conference on environmental health held on 22 June in Eupen. At the conference, participants came to the initiative of establishing a group for further, more concrete, and meaningful exchanges. The LinkedIn […]


July 4, 2023 Lonely? Let’s unite! News! | June 2023

On June 1, 2023, we had the pleasure of organizing the project's activity conference. This day was under the sign of connection and almost 200 participants joined us to discuss the theme of solitude. In this newsletter, we'd like to tell you about the day's proceedings and results. In this newsletter you’ll find: The description [...]


