
January 20, 2020 We are hiring! Project worker Social Norms Approach

This position has been filled. The Foundation euPrevent | EMR is looking for a new enthusiastic project worker for cross-border projects. euPrevent is a foundation in the Euroregion Meuse-Rhine (NL, DE, BE) working on cross-border public health. Our goal and the goal of our partners is to improve the quality of life of citizens in [...]

December 6, 2019 Sealed hygiene

Protection against infection and resident safety are of great importance for the inpatient care of our elderly fellow citizens in our region - six further facilities can now prove this in blue on white and framed: On 05.12.2019 the foundation euPrevent awarded the third old people's home seal to St. Lambertus Altenheim der Lambertus gGmbH [...]


November 29, 2019 The implementation of Youth Euregional Scan has started!

What happened before? In the period from December 2018 until June 2019, 7 Euregional partners: Suchthilfe Aachen (DE), CAD Limburg (BE), Gesundheitsamt Düren (DE), Gesundheitsamt Euskirchen (DE), ASL Eupen (BE), euPrevent|EMR (NL) and GGD Zuid Limburg (NL) have worked on the improvement of the data collection procedure among the youth in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine (EMR). [...]


October 23, 2019 Joint Statement on health care in cross border regions

The European Commission asked Euregha to formulate a „Joint Statement on health care in cross border regions“. In this advice projects of euPrevent are named as a good example: the Euregional Health Atlas (were data in the EMR are gathered) and Citizen Summits (participatory approach in action). euPrevent believes that this Joint Statement (JS) is [...]


