
November 30, 2022 euPrevent welcomes new partners!

Structural cross-border cooperation in the field of prevention has taken another step forward. Within the framework of the Interreg Deutschland-Nederland project SHE (Sustainable Healthy Euregio Rhein-Maas-Nord), the health departments of Viersen, Düsseldorf, Rhein-Kreis Neuss, Krefeld and the Veiligheidsregio Limburg-Noord as well as the GGD Zuid Limburg confirmed their cooperation beyond the end of the project […]


October 31, 2022 Lonely? Let’s unite! News! | October 2022

PROFILE (Prevention of Loneliness in older people in the Euregion) actively involves stakeholders and network partners. And Profile was picked up by international policymakers. The various activities and products of the euPrevent PROFILE project (Prevention of loneliness among the elderly in the Euregion) are increasingly taking shape. The project team carefully coordinates the activities together [...]


October 14, 2022 Environmental Health – a look across the borders

How to create a health-protective and sustainable living environment? And how does it look like on the other side of the border? These questions illustrated the focus of our exchange day with 40 health professionals from Belgium and the Netherlands on 11 October in Hasselt. This activity is part of the cross-border collaboration of Logo […]


August 3, 2022 euPrevent PROFILE: Presented by WHO

We are proud to announce that our euPrevent PROFILE project is presented by the WHO Regions for Health Network (WHO RHN) as an example of tackling loneliness in old age across borders. The article gives a good overview of our project activities and objectives. We invite you to have a look at the news item […]


