Environmental Health – a look across the borders
October 14, 2022

How to create a health-protective and sustainable living environment? And how does it look like on the other side of the border?

These questions illustrated the focus of our exchange day with 40 health professionals from Belgium and the Netherlands on 11 October in Hasselt. This activity is part of the cross-border collaboration of Logo Limburg and euPrevent. Different representatives from the Belgian side participated, such as the Agency for Care and Health, Logo’s and Sciensano. The Dutch representatives were mainly from GGD Brabant, Zeeland and Zuid Limburg.

The idea of the exchange is to learn how colleagues from the other side of the border work on the same topics. For example, different tools that are linked with health data and seem beneficial in health policy. These tools mainly related to air and noise, heat and climate health, and spatial planning.

The cross-border exchange was welcomed by the participating professionals as it enriched the discussion about environmental health and opened more possibility for future cooperation.