Environmental and climate health: a challenge across the border
March 14, 2024

On 12 March, the euPrevent partners of the “Environmental Health” program met in Heerlen to discuss environmental health issues. These challenges to health from the environment and climate change are significant, especially as health systems are limited to national boundaries, while the environment itself knows no borders. However, partners see border regions as ideal for exchanging experiences and learning from each other.

During the meeting, Anna Veelen from the GGD South Limburg shared insights into heat health actions in the Netherlands and a pilot program in South Limburg. Partners from Germany, who are starting their own local heat plans, found the Dutch approach interesting and inspiring. Dirk Philippsen from Kreis Dueren talked about the environmental and health impacts of climate change, highlighting actions taken in Dueren. The increasing diseases and health risks along the motorways that cross national borders attracted a lot of attention from participants.

All partners agreed that more challenges lie ahead, and it is crucial that we take proactive measures, acting preventively before risks materialize. Therefore, we are committed to enhancing collaboration, especially on challenging issues concerning health and the environment.