Infographic Results Euroregional Health Survey Target Group Senior Citizens (55+)
May 5, 2021

Are most people over 55 nowadays only drinking? The results of the Euroregional Health Survey of Project euPrevent Social Norms Approach show that it is not all doom and gloom. For example, 37% of the 55-plussers surveyed never drink alcohol, or at least did not drink any alcohol at all in the last month. Almost a third of those over 55 drank alcohol at most once a week. The vast majority (97% of over-55s) have never been drunk, or at least not in the past month. No less than 97% of the over-55s are conscious of responsible medicine use. Yet, the impression that over-55s have of their peers’ use is much more negative than is actually the case.

Curious about the results? Click on the infographic.