
March 28, 2023 Lonely? Let’s unite! News! | April 2023

The euPrevent PROFILE project is now slowly coming to an end. Time flies, and we are happy to share with you our save-the-date for our upcoming activity conference! Furthermore, in this newsletter we want to provide updates of some activities and outputs, such as the extensive overview of good practices that is now available online. [...]


March 28, 2023 Cross-border collaboration in the Common Ground

The euPrevent ACP (Active Citizenship Participation) project team participated in the first network meeting of the Common Ground programme funded by the Robert Bosch Stiftung on 14 and 15 March. The meeting was hosted by the Common Ground border region SaarMoselle with the cities of Saarbrücken (Germany) and Forbach (France). The two-day conference was extremely […]


March 16, 2023 Euregional youth survey in the ERMN: YES 2023

euPrevent and its partners from the Euroregion Rhine Meuse North (ERMN) have launched a People-to-People project to conduct a Youth Euregional Scan (YES 2023) in the region. The aim of the survey is to collect useful and comparable euregional data on young people aged between 13 and 16. The youth survey will examine demographic data, […]


February 23, 2023 A new partner in the euPrevent network – Caritasverband Euskirchen

Cross-border collaboration does not stop after a project. The Caritasverband für das Kreisdekanat Euskirchen knows how important it is to keep such a collaboration in a structured manner, therefore, it has decided to become an official partner of the euPrevent network. Caritas is the largest welfare associate in Germany, and Caritasverband für das Kreisdekanat Euskirchen […]

