
September 7, 2017 Healthy Living Prize for Europe

Do you have an inspiring project that promotes good health or prevents illness?   The Healthy Living Prize, a prize initiated by Lower Austria, is open for projects from all over Europe for the first time.   The winner of the "Healthy Living Prize for Europe" is awarded with a prize of EUR 5000. In addition to [...]

June 29, 2017 Euregional hospital seal ‚Hygiene’

Infection prevention and patient safety is for many hospitals in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine an important topic. This is something what 20 hospitals in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine have in black and white writing. In June, the Foundation euPrevent | EMR has certified these hospitals with a quality seal ‘hygiene’. In order to get this quality seal, […]


June 22, 2017 WHO: 6th Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health

The Euregion Meuse Rhine is the only Euregion in the Regions for Health Network (RHN) of the World Health Organization (WHO) since 2013. Marleen van Rijnsbergen, executive of the Province of Limburg (NL) is the political representative of the Euregion Meuse Rhine in the WHO RHN. Brigitte van der Zanden, director of euPrevent, represents the [...]


June 7, 2017 Assessments Project ‘Senior Friendly Communities’ in full swing

In this initial, start-up phase of the ‘Senior Friendly Communities’ project, all participating municipalities in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands are subjected to assessments. The purpose of these assessments, which started in May, is to determine how the municipalities currently support their elderly (with beginning dementia and age-related depression) and informal care-givers. Mystery guest visits [...]


