
June 9, 2021 Maastricht Citizens’ Summit On COVID-19 Pandemic Experiences

A group of citizen representatives from Maastricht attended on 5 June an online citizens’ summit organized under the project “euPrevent COVID-19”. With the experts from GGD South Limburg (Public Health Department South Limburg) and EPECS (European Patients Empowerment for Customised Solutions), the citizens discussed their personal experiences during the corona pandemic. The citizens had an [...]


May 11, 2021 First Citizens’ Summit On COVID-19 Pandemic Experiences

On 8 May, more than 20 people from Aachen participated the online citizens’ summit organized under the project “euPrevent COVID-19”. The summit was opened by euPrevent director, Brigitte van der Zanden, with the introduction of the project and the importance of citizens’ feedback on their experience during the corona time. Citizens from Aachen shared their [...]


May 5, 2021 Infographic Results Euroregional Health Survey Target Group Senior Citizens (55+)

Are most people over 55 nowadays only drinking? The results of the Euroregional Health Survey of Project euPrevent Social Norms Approach show that it is not all doom and gloom. For example, 37% of the 55-plussers surveyed never drink alcohol, or at least did not drink any alcohol at all in the last month. Almost [...]


April 29, 2021 b-solutions: applying the GDPR and national legislation

euPrevent, together with GGD Zuid Limburg and Sciensano, is assigned the support of legal experts with knowledge of cross–border instances. Specifically, we will receive support of a legal expert on the obstacle of applying the GDPR and national legislation in cross-border public health cooperation. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that a timely response is essential. [...]


