
September 23, 2021 Second series of citizens’ summits on COVID-19 experiences

“How was your life during the last period since corona hit Europe?” “Were you vaccinated and do you want to be vaccinated? Do you think we should make vaccination an obligation for certain professions? Do you want to get the booster shot?” A second series of citizens’ summits on the experiences during corona time is [...]


June 28, 2021 Missed the conference ‘Euregional cooperation and Health’? Watch now

Municipalities. Healthcare. Euregional cooperation. There is much to be said about all three, but what if they are linked? Do they have to be? What is the point? If you want to do 'something' as a municipality, what should it look like? On 10 June, the meeting 'Euregional cooperation and health' took place. In various [...]


June 24, 2021 Hasselt citizens’ summit under the euPrevent COVID-19 project

More than 20 citizens from Hasselt participated in a digital citizens’ summit under the euPrevent COVID-19 project on 19 June. The professionals and experts listened to the personal and emotional stories of these citizens and were all touched by the dedicated attitude of the citizens from Hasselt. Due to its unique location in the Euroregion [...]


June 15, 2021 Third citizens’ summit under the euPrevent COVID-19 project

A third citizens’ summit under the euPrevent COVID-19 project took place on 12 June. Although also heavily impacted by the pandemic, compared to the experiences of the citizens from Aachen and Maastricht, the citizens of Liège had less difficulties when the cross-border activity was forbidden or restricted. This is probably because they base their lives [...]


