During the annual meeting WHO Regions for Health Network (RHN), 11–12 June 2018, Gothenborg (Sweden), the report 'Healthy settings for older people are healthy settings for all: the experience of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy' was presented. This report shows how age-friendly environments have been created at the subnational level, using examples primarily from the Autonomous Region [...]
Cette information est seulement disponible en anglais. During World Health Organization's (WHO) High-level regional meeting in Sitges (16-18 April, 2018), the article 'Health Systems respons to noncommunicable diseases (NCDs): the opportunities and challenges for leapfrogging' was presented. With Brigitte van der Zanden, director of the euPrevent | EMR foundation, as one of the voices from [...]
A l'invitation du ministre de la Santé de Belgique de l'Est, M. Antonios Antoniadis, la Fondation euPrevent a tenu son conseil d'administration à Eupen le 06.03.2018. L'un des principaux points à l'ordre du jour était la (ré) élection des membres du conseil. Le conseil d'euPrevent est maintenant composé de: M. Dr. Karl-Heinz Feldhoff, ancien chef [...]
Deze informatie is alleen beschikbaar in het Engels. / Diese Information ist nur in Englisch verfügbar. / Cette information est seulement disponible en anglais. euPrevent | EMR wishes to inform you about these interesting webinars. The Bonn Office on Environment and Health and the WHO Regional Office for Europe are organizing a series of Webinars [...]